Patents and the protection of inventions in Spain
A patent allows innovators to protect their inventions in Spain and put a just value on the efforts put forth in the research and product development.
A patent allows innovators to protect their inventions in Spain and put a just value on the efforts put forth in the research and product development.
Official translators normally have to translate a document called Grant of Probate when dealing with English probate documentation to be used in Spain.
In order to be eligible for registration, a sign must be capable of representation. Generally, this is a name or a figurative sign, but it may equally well be a sound.
Berdejo Lawyers obtained in 2015 a favorable judgement from the Juzgado de Primera Instancia of Balmaseda, confirmed by the hearing of Bizkaia, in the process of eviction of tenants that have the option to buy the property leased by a promoting company, a client’s office.
Um in das Thema der Gültigkeit der Klauseln, die die freiwillige Verrentung regulieren, einzusteigen, ist eine Prüfung der Definition von Verrentung notwendig. Der Begriff und die allgemeinen Eigenschaften der Verrentung werden in den Artikeln 160 ff. des spanischen Sozialversicherungsgesetzes festgelegt.
La SIIC, connue en Espagne par le terme SOCIMI, est une société anonyme dont l’activité principale consiste à investir, directement ou indirectement, dans des actifs immobiliers bâtis, à des fins locatives. La SOCIMI est une version espagnole des différents véhicules d’investissement immobilier que l’on trouve en Europe :
The role of the commercial agent, given its various legal and commercial interpretations, can lead to confusion. Therefore, it is essential to know what the term commercial agent means and deeply understand the agent’s role in exports.
Dans le domaine des contrats de vente à distance, en Espagne, le droit de rétractation constitue l’un des plus importants droit des consommateurs. Le point de départ est la loi de défense des consommateurs espagnole (« Ley General para la Defensa de los Consumidores y Usuarios”), abrégée TRLGDCU. Cette loi est basée sur la Directive Européenne 2006/112/CE.
Thus far, the estate of a deceased person with interests in several European countries is governed by the law of succession of each of the countries in question. However, it is possible that in some instances, as is the case in Spain, the internal law of each country allows for the aggregate application of several laws.
Für die Einbeziehung von Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB) im Rechtsverkehr zwischen deutschen Unternehmern genügt es in der Regel, wenn auf die Geltung der AGB hingewiesen wird und die Möglichkeit der Kenntnisnahme für den anderen Vertragsteil besteht.