Fusions et acquisitions en Espagne: gestion d’une concentration économique

1. Gestion d’une concentration économique


La procédure d’acquisition commence avec ce que l’on appelle le deal search dans le cadre duquel de potentielles sociétés cibles seront communiquées et analysées. Les résultats de cette analyse sont résumés dans un rapport de Due-Diligence. Viennent ensuite les négociations avec lesdites sociétés cibles et la rédaction d’un Term Sheet relatif aux conditions de l’acquisition. L’acquéreur prépare ensuite une Binding Offer pour la société cible qui pose les bases du contrat de concentration.

What is the Declaration of Heirs in Spain?

Through the following article, we will address the question of  what is a declaration of heirs in Spain?

To do this, we must first analyse the necessary conditions to make and/or use the declaration of heirs.

Commonly, a testator draws up a will before his death- conforming to the legal parameters set by statute- in which he expresses his last wish. However, what happens if the testator did not draw up a will before his death or once the will is declared invalid or has lost its validity? It is in these cases when we must make use of the declaration of heirs.

Collective agreements in Spain

Definition and effects of the collective agreement in Spain

The collective agreement (as defined in Title III of the Workers’ Statute Collective bargaining and Collective agreements) is an instrument to regulate the workplace, since the representatives of both employees and employers negotiate the rights and duties contained in the agreement.