Le droit de rétractation des consommateurs et des usagers en Espagne

Le Texte Révisé de la Loi Générale pour la Défense des Consommateurs et des Usagers (ci-après TRLGDCU) prévoit une série de droits et obligations entre les entreprises et les clients et usagers. L´une des manifestations les plus claires de la protection que ce texte accorde aux consommateurs et aux usagers peut s´apprécier dans le droit de rétractation dont jouissent ces derniers. Ce droit de rétractation leur permet de mettre fin à un contrat passé avec l´entreprise sans avoir besoin de justifier leur décision et sans que l´exercice de ce droit ne génère de quelconques pénalités pour l´une des parties au contrat. L´objet de cet article est d´analyser les particularités et limitations générales de ce droit sans entrer dans les exceptions, ni les règles applicables aux secteurs particuliers.

Implementation of the Consumer Rights Directive in Spain

In Spain, local laws are implementing the Consumer Rights Directive (“Directive”).  The Spanish Laws on consumer protection and information (“La Ley General para la Defensa de los Consumidores y Usarios” (“LGDCU”) and “La Ley de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Informacion” (“LSSI”)) include articles to enforce this Directive.  They provide the duties of businesses regarding the enforcement of law and detail the consequences of breaching the Law.

The difference between purchase price and fiscal value when buying or selling real estate

Anyone who wants to invest in property in Spain could imagine that the price at which he acquires the property must coincide with the value declared in the official document the acquisition is drawn up with. However, throughout history, we have been faced with a variety of situations, depending on the economic environment and the changing behavior of the tax authorities.

Renting: Another Option for Investment for Foreign Nationals in Spain

Act 14/2013 on Support to Entrepreneurs and Internationalization (the “Act”) became effective on September 28, 2013. The Act gives foreign investors the opportunity to live in Spain. Obtaining this residence permit is very advantageous for non-European citizens, and this permit allows them to circulate freely in Member States of the Schengen Area for three months within a maximum period of six months. Additionally, it offers the possibility for the foreign investor’s spouse and minor (under 18) or incapacitated children to obtain the same permit.

Aspects pratiques de l’achat-vente de biens immobiliers en Espagne

L’acquisition de biens immobiliers en Espagne est un processus simple, avec un système juridique qui garantit assez de sécurité aux parties, à condition que toute la procédure soit respectée. Il n’existe pas de restrictions ni de limites aux investissements qui peuvent être réalisés de la part des étrangers, qui comptent sur la liberté d’investissement en Espagne.

Nous résumons ici les étapes fondamentales à suivre pour acquérir un bien immobilier en Espagne, à partir du moment où celui-ci aura été choisi.

Impact of the European Data Protection Reform on Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Spain

The current EU Data Protection Directive applies to all European companies, regardless of their size. The EU Data Protection Reform aims to stimulate economic growth by reducing expenses and excessive regulation for small and medium enterprises (“SMEs”).

To facilitate small and medium companies breaking into new markets, the European Commission has proposed to exempt SMEs from several provisions of the draft EU Data Protection Regulation.

Legal Remedies When Facing an Unfair Dismissal Ruling in Spain

In this article, we discuss the type of legal procedure a company in Spain can use when a court’s decision qualifying a dismissal as unfair has damaged a company.

As covered in a previous article, when the Judge of Social Affairs rules in favour of the worker, thus qualifying the dismissal as unfair, the company that contests this decision and does not wish to reinstate the worker must:

  • Notify in a five-day period its intention NOT to reinstate the worker.  In the event the worker concerned is the workers’ representative, the worker will adopt this decision and not the company.
  • File an appeal.