Approbation en Espagne de la Loi de soutien à l’entrepreneur et de promotion pour son internationalisation

Jeudi 19 septembre 2013

En date du 19 septembre 2013, le Gouvernement espagnol a promulgué la Loi de soutien à l’entrepreneur et de promotion pour son internationalisation.

Désormais, les étrangers investissant en Espagne et satisfaisant certains critères prévus par la Loi, bénéficieront d’un accès plus facile à entrée et la résidence sur le territoire espagnol.

Synthesis of the urban leasing law reform in Spain


By the law 4/2013, of June 4th, “of the transition to flexible measures and promotion of the rental housing market“, published in the Official Gazette of 5th June and coming into force on 6th June, the Spanish Government has modified the applicable urban leasing law, law 29/1994, as well as the law of Civil procedure, law 1/2000, to new contracts (or older ones wishing to adapt by mutual agreement), in the following most important aspects:

The new Spanish law on the coasts

Last month we discussed about the main features of the new Spanish Coastal Law and its impact on the environment and the legal status of real estate close to the sea. This month we continue our analysis of the issues related to the details of this Directive.