Der Franchisevertrag

„Franchising“ ist ein Fremdwort, das schon lange seinen Weg in unsere Sprache gefunden hat. Es beschreibt das Geschäftsmodell, in dem der Franchisegeber dem Franchisenehmer das Recht überträgt, seine Marke, sein Logo, seine Struktur, seine Geschäftsgeheimnisse und alle anderen Faktoren die sein Unternehmen ausmachen, zu benutzen.

Franchising Contract

Franchise is a term, now incorporated into our vocabulary, to designate a new form of business.  This business type is based on the transfer of a foreign-business model of transferring rights from the Franchisor to the Franchisee including the rights to the brand of the business, its distinctive signs, business models, industry secrets and other elements that characterize and make up the business.

Debt Recovery in the European Union

Article 81 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union establishes a legal basis for the development of judicial cooperation in cross border civil matters within the European Union. A first step in this process can be seen in the introduction of two specific procedures, the European Order for Payment Procedure and the European Small Claims Procedure. These procedures have been introduced in order to bring about a uniform procedure common to all Member States and to remove any barriers that exist in cross border debt collection.